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    what people says

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    Testimonial Image
    Melissa Gonzales

    "<span style="font-weight: 400;">Debbie is a Blessing- I am so thankful we were led to her and SAVVY College Funding Solutions. She started working with my son his sophomore year. From their first meeting, there was a strong connection. She introduced colleges to him that were not on his radar. She helped him define what he was looking for in his college experience. He looked forward to his meetings and phone calls with her. When he reached out to her, she always responded with compassion & knowledge. Debbie is a true professional who is kind and gives 110% at all times. A phone call is always answered & an email always responded to. With Debbie’s guidance, my son has options to choose from as to where he will spend his next four years.</span> <span style="font-weight: 400;">I have a unique situation and Debbie walked me through my part of the college process with grace. She listened, checked in with me, and helped in more ways than I can list. I know that her help made a difference. I sing her praises from the rooftop and recommend her highly.</span> <span style="font-weight: 400;">I believe it takes a village to raise a child and give them the strength and wisdom to go out and live their dream. I am so GRATEFUL Debbie is part of my son’s village.</span>"

    Testimonial Image
    Karen Wehner

    "The universe pointed us to Debbie, and thank goodness it did. My son was at Rice University for his freshman year and looking to transfer. A transfer situation is delicate, as you don't leave a place unless something just isn't right. We had gone through his high school round of applications with no outside counseling, but this time we wanted to make sure that we were addressing the transfer piece in the right way. Debbie had been recommended by a good friend so I googled, found her website, and reached out. Only it wasn't the same Debbie Goldstein. Turns out, there are two Debbie's who do college consulting and it wasn't until after I'd talked with this Debbie, decided she was truly exceptional, and signed on that I found out she was not the one my friend had recommended. I told her and we laughed. She was great about it and said she would fully understand if we wanted to switch, but I said, "Absolutely not. YOU are our Debbie Goldstein." Great call on my part, if I do say so myself. Here's why: 1. Debbie spent very valuable time getting to know and understand my son and his situation. She quickly identified his strengths, as well as his struggles and was exceptional in communicating with him and helping calm his anxiety about the process (and the outcome). 2. She tells it like she sees it. He put forth several schools for consideration. For many, she said, "yes...that's a fit." For just as many, she said, "Nope." She helped us get his list to a manageable number (5). 3. She was an invaluable resource in helping him frame his issues with Rice. He sounded directed and positive, despite having had a really difficult year. She helped ensure that he focused on fit vs. just complaining about the school. 4. I'll just say son is not good with deadlines. She was firm but patient and while the process was, I'm sure, more last-minute than she would have liked, it was waaaay better than the first time when he applied out of high school. I was there for both, and I'll take the Debbie version any day. 5. She worked with him on a lot of late nights and weekends and certainly didn't have to. She said she wanted to make sure she supported him until the end. So what happened? Well, as of this writing he's gotten into 2 out of 5 and is still waiting to hear from the other 3. She and I are pretty confident he'll go 5 for 5 thanks, in a HUGE part, to her amazing guidance, empathy and insight. I can't say enough good things. We are so lucky that the fates connected us with her."

    Testimonial Image
    Jerry Reiff

    "<span style="font-weight: 400;">The process of filling out college applications is complicated, tedious and not fun. Debbie took all that off our plate. We didn’t need to figure out the steps or the order of anything because Debbie did all that for us. She met with my son continuously and in a timely manner, breaking down the steps needed to accomplish the process, and gave them to him as small assignments every week. That got him to where he had completed all his applications without the stress.</span> <span style="font-weight: 400;">Debbie is also a very kind, unpretentious and warm person. So, it was easy for my son and myself to feel comfortable talking to her and asking all our possibly “dumb” questions, without feeling embarrassed.</span> <span style="font-weight: 400;">Debbie is the BEST!</span>"